The steps involved in building a design system include conducting a visual audit to assess the current design, creating a visual design language with elements like color, typography, sizing, spacing, and imagery, developing a UI/pattern library by collecting and organizing all UI components, and documenting each component's purpose and usage [5]. Additionally, it is crucial to build a team with diverse skills and engage in sensitization and awareness activities to understand the needs and constraints of those who will use the system [7]. Furthermore, it is essential to gather data by gaining sufficient knowledge of the inner workings of the teams that will use the design system and stakeholders, understanding their pain points, and how they would ideally work with a design system in place [14]. After gathering data, it is necessary to organize and analyze the information in a way that makes sense [14]. Additionally, building a consistent front-end experience requires utilizing open-source components, thorough documentation, and enforcing predefined rules to ensure adherence to design patterns [21]. It is also important to keep quality and maintainability under control by simplifying designs and limiting the number of unused designs [22].
Design Systems - 12 November 2018
A research guide when starting a design system.
Prototypr - 21 June 2021
Learn how to prepare for building this huge thing Continue reading on Prototypr »
Prototypr - 12 August 2021
A design system can help you get more done, increase adoption, and create a culture that brings teams together. Continue …
UX Planet - 13 July 2022
Build your design system with some good tips in mind
inside-design-by-invision - 23 June 2019
The fundamentals of design systems, how you can build and implement one, and explore examples of organizations that are using …
UX Planet - 17 November 2022
Here is the story of creating a design system for an E-Commerce platform focused on Artwork & Handmade Products.
Smashing Magazine - 7 October 2019
Design systems can improve usability, but they can also limit creativity or fall out of sync with actual products. In …
UX Planet - 15 March 2023
For the last few months, I have noticed more and more designers are talking about design systems and giving tips …
Design systems are a hot topic right now. Everyone talks about them and wants to build them. It is evident …